3 reviews

Current River Nursing Center

marker Doniphan, Missouri


3 reviews
Erin Jones

My mother was in this facility and they consistently pushed to improve her condition and as hard headed as she was, they did! Hard working, caring, and present. I couldn't have asked for more.
Valerie Freeman

My mother in law was in this facility. The therapy was great. They really worked hard to get her back on her feet. The nursing staff was very friendly and answered all of our questions promptly and professionally. Her care was definitely spot On! Thank you for giving our loved one back to us!

Lowest standard of care. If your family isn't going to be in and out every day your loved one will most likely be neglected. Edit: Apparently someone has a problem with my rating. Here's some more info.Edit 2: 1-4-17 Walked into room, used rubber glove on floor, and one next to trash can.Edit 3: 1-12-17 Again a bag of soiled clothing or linen left in the room. This has been brought to their attention multiple times. Demonstrating the low standards don't change even when they are brought to the attention of an administrator .Edit 4: Showed pictures of a garbage bag with a feces covered diaper to administrator, complained multiple times to state, things improved for 2 weeks, then back to same issues last 2 days. Family member soaked in urine, smelling terrible. They were supposed to have a sign in sheet for the 2 hour checks asked to see it, guess what, didn't have it. This place continues to disgust me. The staff has a few quality people, but the administration is terrible. Nothing but lip service. Poor management. If you aren't going to be there often avoid it. If you have family here, for the love of God check on them.Nov. 7, 2017Last couple if weeks continue to embarrass themselves. Failure to follow care plans. Additionally the food seems to be of a lower standard recently. Tonight's menu a bit of vegetable soup with what seem to be stale crackers, a grilled cheese, and...you guessed it Cheetos. Also recently appearing in the menu what appear to me to be rotten bananas. To be fair, there was for a few weeks slight improvement, and a generally better attitude. But habits are habits for a reason.November 16.New head of nursing is a gangster. Plus 1 star for being highly motivated and actually cracking the whip on CNAs. This supports my belief that the issues here are related to leadership and that seems to be changing for the better.