2 reviews

United States Postal Service

marker Scooba, Mississippi


2 reviews
Oscar Bosarge

Well here it is day 4, MAY 24th 2019 and the same horrible service!!! The incoming mail was delivered and the red flag was left up again - I wish I could post a picture. On top of the 2 pieces of outgoing mail I have a note that says 'is this out going mail, I do not see a stamp on the post card'.Scooba MS Post Master General PLEASE have a training session with your employees. That or have them get their eyes examed.Both of my pieces of outgoing mail are stamped with a 'prepaid forever stamp'...the postage is what the funny ink in the top right corner of each piece says it is..Thank you for getting these issues straightened out yesterday.Maybe I can get you to call my mortgage company and explain to them why my documents and check will be late.___________________<<<<<<<>>>_________________Previous posted review dated the eve of May 23rd!MAY 21, 22 AND 23RD HAVE BEEN THE MOST HORRIBLE POSTAL SERVICE 'EVER' AT MY ADDRESS.. I have had 2 pieces of (outgoing) mail (READY, PREPAID POSTAGE ON BOTH) with the red flag up on the side of the box signifying 'HEY SOMETHING IN HERE NEEDS DELIVERED'. Each day when I get the mail, My red flag is down, incoming mail is delivered properly and what do you know.....each day my OUTGOING mail is still laying beneath the new incoming mail.Are yall having health issues or what?PLEASE RECTIFY THIS ASAP!!!!!!!
joel Alexandre
