11 reviews
Scott Hurtibus
Marianne Voorbrood
John Merrell, owner, truly cares for his clients. He makes sure he only hires employees who are professional and trustworthy! The name Amada says it all: Concern for the well-being of others.
Aliceson Washington
I'd recommend this place to NO ONE be it they are a caregiver or receiving care. You shouldn't want to work for people or have people taking care of you who lack Pragmatism, Integrity, demonstrates frivolity of time, demonstrates absent mindness and lacks communication skills. These people called me at 0824 to tell me to be a Amada Senior Care for a 1200 meeting. I LITERALLY waited until 1hr while the head lady that desk is behind doors socialized (FRIVOLITY FOR TIME) with family members -holiday season-, just to tell me my background check wasn't back yet (INTEGRITY) at nearly 1400. I get background checks ALL THE TIME for my school (every year), other places I've worked, and every facility I have travel to (as a nationwide travel aid). It doesn't take 2+ weeks for an employment background check to come back ( again, lack of INTEGRITY). Let's say it had taken that long for a background check to come back. These people had 4 hours to RECHECK TO MAKE SURE (Lack of communication skills/ absent mindedness demonstrated) and alert me that it wasn't back. Instead, I wasted gas and she gave me that fake forged smile and apologized. I didn't buy it one bit because I had ALREADY KNOWN the type of person she and that lady who sits in the first desk to the right when you first come in were just by observing them that 1 hour I was there.What I'm saying is...If management is like this..I can only IMAGINE what the care team is like and if you are apart of the care team, you should really reconsider if you want a place with people like this representing you.
Kupkake Delight
Erin Jones