4 reviews

Lake Winona Manor - Winona Health

marker Winona, Minnesota


4 reviews
John 3:16 King James Bible

Rebecca Lamberty

Nancy Austin

This is attached to a hospital but it is not the hospital. The former reviewer was completely wrong.My father was released to Lake Winona Manor from St Mary's hospital, Rochester. The staff here is amazing! They listen to suggestions from family and do their best for everyone involved. Dad came here for hospice care. St Mary's called it heart failure. He had an ulcer on his coccyx and brilliant red blisters on his bottom. Family recognized that it was the white butt paste used by St Mary's causing the blisters. Staff changed to a barrier cream without zinc and his bottom blisters cleared up.Where St Mary's discouraged my mother from visiting, LWM regularly made room in his bed for her to snuggle with him. With their thoughtful care, he has gradually gotten stronger and now after 2 months is vastly improved. Even the sore on his tail bone is healed.I highly recommend Lake Winona Manor for Elder Care.

This is the worst hospital there is. If I was dying I would bypass this hospital