7 reviews

New Perspective Senior Living | Highland Park

marker St Paul, Minnesota


7 reviews
Kelly Eberle-Fennern

So now..the cell phone is conveniently missing and no landline in her room!? How does that happen??
Koko Jama

This great place to live here
Kelly Eberle-fennern

Trying to put a phone line in a residents room and the assistant director says she cant show him which room she lives in...privacy. ?? Terrible place to put a loved one! I have to give it one star because it wont let me post it if I dont!
Garry Clum

The staff is caring and attentive, the facility is clean and friendly, there are plenty of activities that seniors can participate in, they have great medical staff and in house services. Everything from great meals, to hair and nail care, to full on memory care. I would recomend New Perspectives to new families looking for a place for their loved ones.
Buck Watson

New Perspectives took care of my father really well.