5 reviews
serenity klaysmat
Brian Peterson
Sue Uttley
Karen Czech
Help with all my questions, and very knowledgeable about various disabilities.
Betty Wagner
I needed help real bad. So I was told to call Senior LinkAge Line. Told them what I needed and they called Access North and we three talked on the phone. I told them how bad I needed a Power Chair and why. I was told that they might have one donated to them. They would check and let me know the next day. We they called me back and said they had one and would bring it over as soon as they could in a couple of days Well they delivered it and I was shocked to see how nice the Power Chair really was. Just like new. I can't thank Access North enough for what they have done for me by giving me back my independence. I love all of you at Access North. Keep up the good work and Thank You Again.