17 reviews

Willoway Apartments

marker Burnsville, Minnesota


17 reviews
Nati Brandt

Amazing manager and good staff!!!
Tanya Hansen

I have been living here for about 2 years and not think about moving. The property is beautiful. They just remodeled the hallways with new carpet. My deliveries are always accepted and held for me in the office. Tanya and her staff are very helpful and friendly. They take care of this place and the people who live here. No better place to be!!!!!
Shamika Brown

They just remodeled all the hallways with new carpet and fresh paint. The staff is very friendly and always available to lend a hand. The amenities are all very nice and clean and well maintained. They resident events throughout the year which are fun to attend. Great place to live and call home!! You and your team rocks here at Willoway!!!
Sally Snowden

I really hope that another one bedroom opens up for the time frame I need.I just toured and I love this place. It is very clean and well taken care. The manager is a really great person and tries hard to make everyone's visit enjoyable. I like that they are taken many steps to clean and protect the general public during this awful virus we are going through.Come check out the great place to live!!
Kerstin Spangler

About five days ago, my husband set up a time to stop out and tour an apartment for today(3/13). Upon arrival he was told the unit was already rented out and the lady said she meant to call him earlier. I understand things happen, but he took time out of his day and wasted the gas to drive 30 minutes only to be told this. Also, with everything going on, she instigated a handshake and the proceeded to say the tenant was sick.. Again, I get things happen, but this was just an all around terrible experience.