11 reviews

Waltonwood Main

marker Rochester, Michigan


11 reviews
Cadie Perkett

April Myers

I am a current employee here at Waltonwood Main and I am very impressed at how the whole team operates. The staff is pleasant and caring to everyone who walks in the door and treats new team members as if they have been there a lifetime! I have felt at home from day one just as the residents do when they make the decision to call Waltonwood home themselves!
Leslie Marks

Tae Carter

This place is nasty theres an infestation of gnats some of the staff are extremely unprofessional and lazy and the higher management is disgustingly rude and uncaring.
Rachel Rae

Waltonwood is a place that will make your loved ones feel at home! Staff are friendly and truly care about each resident. Wonderful management team & staff! Great place for employment, I have been with the company going on 7 years!