8 reviews
stephanie wilkey
Wow, not serious about their work at all. Trust your loved ones with rest haven
Manuel De La Garza
Ben Rifkin
Blue Dew
The residents are awesome. However, as a former employee, the amount that the residents have to pay, there should be no short staffing problems. The wait time for help is incredibly long due to no staffing. One person alot of times is alone caring for sixty plus people and all of management leaves and lays their heads on fluffy pillows and really could give a hoot. You burn out quick as a aide because you want to give these human beings the attention they are rightfully paying for but you are one person and you cannot do it all, no matter how hard you try. Minimun wage is what they pay the ones who pour blood sweat and tears into trying to be superman to our older generation who deserve it while management gets top dollar to sit in plush office chairs. Raises do not happen, neither do reviews. Suck up and you will move up. Work hard and they will lie to not allow you to move up or make more. They are also quick to throw you under the bus when things go wrong. You are beneath them and you feel that way every day. I loved my residents and my fellow pee ons (as we called ourselves) but I burnt out and was sick of two faced rich snobs who thought they kept the ship afloat.
Jamie Beck