2 reviews

Porter Hills Retirement Communities & Services

marker Grand Rapids, Michigan


2 reviews

I would recommend Porter Hills to anyone needing care. Caregivers and employees care about everyone and that is hard to find!
Corey Dups

I was employed 8 months after corporate 'cleaned house'. Under three months into the new job they cleaned house again and fired nearly 80% of the staff including supervisors, RAs, and other staff including myself. Several health care employees I befriended had committed between 6 and 30 years of work a piece to this company and were told to resign or take a minimum wage position. I and others were also told we were not considered employees until 90 days and were let go because we did not fit the companies needs. We actually were asked trained our replacements for half a shift (unknowingly) before we were let go. New RA, Med Tech and Agency staff are not given proper training which should be a large flag for potential clients. Much of the job is ask questions when you can guess as you go. I was forced to train another new staff member on me 10th shift of employment. 6-8 hours a pay period are taken from your check as an unpaid break. Most courts it impossible to take a break due to low staffing and high work loads so employees are working for free up to eight hours a pay period. Porter Hills currently has a 50% retention rate for employees before 90 days as well quoting Cheryl VanBemden the Director of Residential Living . Putting the residents in perspective especially those with dementia or alzheimers, so much change is unhealthy, and you must consider can you trust a company who cannot maintain a solid staff?There is poor communication with families and supervisors, the CNA and RAs are forced to be the solid line of communication between families and the company which is not our job but we do it anyways. The nursing staff do well and are professional and organized the CNAs RAs and MT are the ones who spend 12 hours a day with the residents and are consistently being burnt. There are parts of the company that function well but I would recommend families looking for assisted living care go else where or check back in a few years when things become more organized. Perhaps at one time the company ran well but currently it does not it is a mess, and I strongly feel you will be very upset with lack of communication and lack of proper care your family member will receive. Also note that the company deleted all negative reviews to keep a 5 star rating , where the first comment is clearly made by a corporate employee. The company has been around for over 50 years and there is only two 5 star comments? Looks Shifty to me. I loved the job, the residents and families but it is a poorly managed. I think the corporate office should launch several investigations into the lower level management to resolve this.