2 reviews
Michelle Ransom
I had been searching through an one hundred eighteen page list of assisted living facilities for my Mom for over a year trying to find a facility that was part of the Medicare waiver program. While my Mother was receiving care at a rehabilitation facility after spine and neck surgery the social worker referred me to Senior Care Placement. Upon the first conversation with Ms. Antoinette Wilson she assured me she could assist with my search for a facility, and that the facility would one that Senior Care regularly visited and rated to provide acceptable care for my Mom. We had a long conversation about her history and I could tell from the conversation her passion as a senior care advocate. The next chapter of this story is Senior Care found an amazing Assisted living facility for my Mom that she is receiving amazing care. I can tell that all the residents at the facility are receiving the best of care.Thank you Ms Antoinette and Ms. MaryPlease keep caring and doing what you are doing
Rosemary Ngwuike