8 reviews

Lighthouse Senior Living at Hopkins Creek

marker Essex, Maryland


8 reviews
Brittney Garland

I recently worked for Light House and let me tell you my personal experience has been anything but great. I wouldn't even put my dog here so that should say alot. The director is by far the worst person I've ever met in my entire life. She's rude beyond measure, I truly believe this woman has no feelings or is just the devil in disguise. Very unprofessional, likes to talk over you. Of course if your new and your possibly looking into one of your family members living here then she portrays herself as sweet. I've constantly got harrassed by her belittled and put down most of the time, I could barely hold a conversation with out her talking to me like I'm stupid. GOD works in mysterious ways all the time and no sooner that I got 'let go' on Saturday by Monday I had a phone call for another interview at another job. I'm so thankful that I won't have to constantly be stressed or feeling like I have to always look over my shoulder. Just think twice before you allow one of your family members live here. There are a ton of places I recommend in the area one of which I worked at and had a lovely experience... Woodlands Is located right in middle River. They are amazing
brent BROOKS

I recently work here for six month the management is terrible and lazy. They rather place blame than fix actual issues. On my first week I had made a long list of kitchen issues some sanitary and some dietary. I was supposed to create a fresh food menu from scratch but they like their beloved cheap lazy prepackaged food. Also high in sodium and sugar because its prepackaged. To be told on my last week by the director every thing is a mess because off my actions. Realistically these seeds were planted by management and grew into a tragedy with my residents caught in the cross fire I think about every day although I am not there!
Kris & Julie Traut

Beautiful facility. Great leadership and care for each resident!
Lachele Allen

No teamwork, not appreciated, managers leavin super quick as soon as they hired, green eggs and ham , diabetic juice, dont know how to talk to staff,
Charlene Wright

I would never recommend anyone to work at this place nor would I dare put a family member in this place. There is entirely too much favoritism, the management treats the staff like trash and doesnt appreciate anything that the staff members do, especially the good workers. The executive director has no compassion for anyone and it is impossible to hold a conversation with her because she will talk over you. The business office director has no backbone at all. Staff members receive more appreciation from the residents then the so-called management team.