4 reviews

Carrington Place of Springhill

marker Springhill, Louisiana


4 reviews
Linda Reeme

Ashley-Nicole Schildroth

G Neely

This should actually be two reviews ..... one pre-shunt surgery (two stars) and the other post (four/five stars). I have memories of my initial stay which becomes more and more clear as weeks go by, and a great deal of it is not good. These memories include staff bullying/beligerence, neglect, improper room placement, and lacking social services. Please note that during this time, there were also those staff members that were angels who got me through it.The initial part of my post surgery stay was also mired in bullying/beligerence, neglect, improper room placement, and lacking social services. I was allowed to lay for hours in wet diapers. I did not get a bath of any kind for six days. (I still don't know why the staff did not want to bathe me, it was odd) The staff did not know how to take care of my hair. I was allowed to sit endless hours in a 'Geri Chair' in the room or in the dining room after others left. I was losing weight at an alarming rate. Physical therapy was a joke. I was told I had no money when in fact, I did have money. I had no shoes and could not buy even a coke. My friends who attempted to check on me via phone calls were told they could not speak to me. I had an infection under my thumb nail that was treated with an alcohol swab only. I had horrible bladder spasms on one occasion and begged for medical assistance over and over again . . . which was never provided. My purse, cell phone, and electric toothbrush disappeared. I was told that I could not fly/transfer to my family in New Jersey because I had not money for someone to fly with me.The Administrator became irate when I indicated to my family that I was being mistreated.When I began to recover and could 'save myself' . . . treatment at this facility improved dramatically. I was finally removed from the room I shared with a person who prevented me from sleeping. I was allowed to use my laptop and was given access to the internet. Physical Therapy made significant changes to their staff and treatments. Most of the staff treated me with respect, love, and kindness. There were still a very few who still did not want to deal with me or bathe me. I had to call Medicaid myself to get my application approved - - the social worker had not followed up on this.Of note also is that there is a difference between the hall you are placed in and the service you receive. Having said that, however, some during my first stay were fives . . . always.When I was well enough to leave, I had bonded with almost everyone in the facility and left with respect and love for them. There were, of course, exceptions, but few.And, Social Services could be improved.What I did learn right before my departure is that the Administrator really does care about his patients and made it very clear to me that he would have helped me . . . if only I had known that I could go to him . . .
Shawanna Blaze
