12 reviews

Ramey Estep Homes Inc

marker Rush, Kentucky


12 reviews
Haden Harper

Canaan Bir

Wild Fluff

Please reconsider before sending your child here, do your research.
Gail Gail

This place messed many up I know. Including myself. I was so grateful to have aged out of it. The way some staff treated and talked to the kids was awful. I was one of the older ones in my group. I couldn't stand seeing them hurt the younger ones. They threatened to take my education from me as punishment taking up for some at one point. I walked in that place already damaged and left even more. Even years later I can't forget or even healed from what I seen and experienced there and other places. Don't send your babies there y'all. Always check the places out if your child has to be sent off. There is sick people out there that work at them. People who have no business working with kids period.
Meosha Bates
