24 reviews

Park Terrace Health Campus

marker Louisville, Kentucky


24 reviews
Kathi Moreland

Patty Persun

Robin DeTalente

Bonnie Koontz

I spent a few days at this facility in November 2019. While the therapy staff were wonderful, and for the most part the nursing staff was very attentive, I will never use this facility again. Having had knee replacement surgery I did not need as much care as others in the facility. I really try not to bother the staff unless it is just something I can not do for myself. On the Friday evening of my stay I had, had a very rough day. As evening went into night I was having a very difficult time getting comfortable enough to sleep. Sometime in the wee hours, about 3am I think, I called for my pain meds. The Aide said she had to tell the nurse, and the nurse had just gone to lunch so it could be a little while. After laying in bed for so many hours, I decided to get up and sit on the bench while I waited for my pain meds. When I used my walker to sit back on the bench, the bench seat flipped in leaving me stuck with my feet off the floor unable to get up, (remember I am recovering from knee replacement surgery), not a very comfortable position to be in for any length of time. I sincerely do not know how long I was like this, it was somewhere between 10 and 20 minutes before someone heard my yelling. When the nurse came in with my meds she helped me get up and back in bed, she gave me my meds, and I never saw her again that night. At about 7 am Saturday morning I was in quite a state of, sleep deprivation, pain that in no way was being managed, and completely exhausted. The nurse on duty that morning acted like she didnt know what I was talking about when I told her why I wanted to go home. This told me all I needed to know about it. The incident was not documented. This proved to be true as over the next 4 days no one came to ask about what happened, and no one ever came to fix the bench. My husband had to fix the bench. I had two very bad days here out of 8. As I stated before my troubles really did not come with staff. The last thing that caused me to rate them below avg. is the fact that although each room has its own bathroom, the showers can not be used. I had visited Park Terrace before my surgery and my mane concern was that at other facilities everyone used the same bathing area. When I ask about this the person who took me on the tour said that would not be an issue, each room had its own bath. I was very upset to find out I could not shower in my room. The surprising thing to me was to find out that admissions did not seem to know the showers in rooms did not work. I know it is a common issue at places like this, but is it really necessary to understaff these places so badly. I do not blame the people who are doing the very best they can in circumstances not of their making.Bonnie
Debbie Mayhew

Everyone was very nice!