6 reviews
Betty Holley
The social worker will not return calls when you leave message if you're out of state and don't answer the phone when called.my brother is at this nursing home because he lived in that state and they appointed a Gaurdian.but she won't answer calls either .sent a letter to me in November of 2019 saying she would see about getting my brother transfer to Missouri but never has done anything for him . He told me she hasn't even seen her
Thelma Langlois
Love this place! The staff are very caring and loving towards their residents. The management is top notch and took care of all of our questions and concerns if we had them. I would recommend this place and I give them a five star on taking care of their residents.
Donald Kinney
Caring people.... Great food....
Kathy H
My Dad got less than substandard care. Administrator At the time knew me and my brother; which never liked neither one of us.If you place a loved one there, you had better wish that this place would be best not to place a loved one there.
Tim Johnson
My grandparents lived at Lakepoint for several years. Our family could not have been more pleased with the facility and care.