7 reviews
Our band 'Dreams Of Arcadia' plays here regularly, and we always have the best time, best audience, and best response.. We look forward to going back to entertain them, again and again.. ;-)
peyton wolrab
Local Feedback
According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, 5% to 10% of self-reported elder abuses are physical, 60% are verbal and 14% are neglect. Physical abuse occurs when a patient is harmed by physical force. Elders can also be emotionally abused with threats, intimidation, social isolation and more..
Local Reviewer
If you want whats best for your loved one, DONT send them here..
Sammy S
Nursing home neglect is similar to nursing home abuse in many ways, but they are not the same. While nursing home abuse implies a specific intent to harm the elder, nursing home neglect is defined as a breach of duty or form of sub-standard care that results in harm to the patient..