7 reviews

Pilgrim Manor

marker Plymouth, Indiana


7 reviews
Layla Milton

Very poor place of employment. Upper management cares more about obtaining money from incoming residents than the way management treats the residents and the employees. As a result, the quality of care residents are receiving is subpar in comparison to what it could be.
TheWorstGamerVr OFFICIAL

My grandpa lived there 7 years paid full price, he went to a different place (cuz it was cheaper) one night and didn't like it then they wouldn't let him back in, I'm 26 I went and saw him everyday after work now hes in Rochester and with college I can't make the time to go see him but 3 days out of the week. The staff and facility were great but who ever handles administrative duties is a terrible person. He was there 7 years!!!! And they just kick him out first chance they got. Ya he was a rude old man but hes old that's the way they get plenty others were the same way never got kicked out. The worst part of it is due to the issue of distance they have robbed him of seeing his family daily and not many people in nursing homes have people coming and seeing them everyday. I just find what they did very unprofessional. And it hurts everyday I'm not able to see him
Jeffery Niles

Tressa Dhaeze

Karen Ohara
