22 reviews

Primrose Retirement Community of Kokomo

marker Kokomo, Indiana


22 reviews
Vaughn Kenyon

My wife works at Primrose Retirement in Kokomo. When she started she stated how working there was like working with family. Everyone pitched in and helped everyone else. It was not until I went to pick her up from work one Friday that I saw first hand for my self how kind and friendly everyone was. All the staff was laughing and helping each other out. The staff at Primrose works hard but helps each other accomplish their tasks. My wife said Primrose was a team with no 'I' in it and I see it first hand anytime I am there to pick her up.
James Shepard

As a Former Employee ... There is Much Needed Improvement For The Kokomo Indiana Facility ... Starting in February Of This Year Employee Morale Continues To Drop ... Turn Over Rate For This Facility Has a High Turn Over Rate Due To Management Expecting More and More of Staff .... Rewarding Staff With With Employee Of The Month Who Does Not Deserve It While Other Staff Goes Above and Beyond Are Not Even Recognized For Their Efforts ... I Was Asked To Remove a Comment Post By Management That Was Posted By My Partner.. I Hope Someday Management Learns There are Problems That Need Addressed And Not Swept Under The Carpet.
John Bronson

Eric Brown

Although I appreciate the empathetic review expressed, from a person that was not employed at Primrose, I must rebuttal the comment made. Primrose by far is the most amazing place I have ever been employed. Encouragement is given to those employees who seek to improve themselves, recognition is given to all employees, and empowerment is given to those who seek to improve. Management themselves lend a helping hand and are very supportive which, in my opinion, identifies that no employee is more important than another. We have the most amazing residents and a caring staff that treat EVERYONE with dignity and respect.
James Shepard
