5 reviews

Hometown Home Healthcare

marker Gas City, Indiana


5 reviews
Ciara Schwartz

Very unreliable. And the people who schedule the workers dont seem to have a clue as to what the clients need.
L. E. Leonard

I've been with the company since it was opened for business in 2013. Wait a minute... Has it really been that long? It's almost fall 2017. Time sure does fly when you are employed at a good business that believes in treating the employee's with dignity and respect, if you show up for work, work hard without argument, and are respectful to the client's needs, as well as considerate to the business.Forgive me for reminiscing about the past, but at this moment I'm 45 years old. At the age of 12 I de-tasseled corn as my first official job besides babysitting. At age 16 I was hired in the fast food industry and wasn't able to break out of it until age 35...approximately.I was always the employee that the business depended on right down to assisting the managers by staying over and helping with their jobs. I was the one who was called upon during promotion time, but never promoted. It's my life story. Not looking for pity here. It's my calling.When Mitch Weaver took over HHCA and changed the name, I didn't know what to expect. I just needed a job, and he was willing to provide it.What I wasn't prepared for was the respect my new boss has shown me over the years.Is my current boss perfect? By all means 'No.'There is no one perfect that is human born except our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Mitch may seem a bit eccentric at times, but he is also fair, just, and understanding.Mitch may or may not have made some bad decisions in the past. I don't know and don't care.Who hasn't made bad decisions in the past? Those choices build character and define who we are today.
hayden p.

Scott Weaver

Service is provided from my brother and he keeps his expenses low as his office is ran from his house. This keeps his overhead low so he can provide the best quality care to his patients as the lowest prices available. With rising cost of medical care, this has proven to be a very beneficial move for his clients.
Evan Parra
