3 reviews

Rosewood Care Center

marker Galesburg, Illinois


3 reviews
Sid Thomson

The staff are pleasant. The P.T dept. is very good and the meals are good. The problem lies with the fact that they have few workers to take proper care of patients, The administration makes sure they have a very nice and comfy office as all administration's do. The facility is not the same , clean and nice facility that it once was. It seems a bit dirty, that nursing home smell is there . Another issue was some of the CNA have no social graces and lack any intelligence. I realize it is a very difficult job but if a person can't handle it don't go into it. SOme talk down to residents like they are 2 yr. olds. I want to remind them they are not the resident's mother's and to try to use resect. Surely, someone has taught them. The residents may wait some time to go to the bathroom and they may ask for a simple aspirin and never get it. RIvalry between shifts like immature idiots does go on.Patients in this home and many like it are more likely to experience bedsores, malnutrition, weight loss, dehydration, pneumonia and serious blood-borne infections. They do a lot of covering up for errors as most nursing homes and many hospitals do. I don't actually see too many people getting better. It certainly hasn't happened in the case of my wife. Actually, she was worse. The phrase respect your elders is ingrained in most minds at a young age. This phrase, however, has been lost somewhere. A lack of respect for the elderly is especially present in the quality of health care they receive. Despite this issue, the current law mandating the amount of necessary workers in nursing homes does little to improve the situation. It states, The facility must have sufficient nursing staff to provide nursing and related services to attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and psychological well-being of each resident as determined by resident assessments and individual plans of care (Miranda, 2005). This statement is very ambiguous and leaves much to the interpretation of the administration of each nursing home, resulting in many situations of insufficient staffing.A severe problem with this task falling in the hands of the administration lies in the fact that among administrators, very few are certified, and without qualified leadership quality initiatives are harder to sustain (Clemmit, 2006, p. 849). Also, many nursing homes do not want to pay and insure additional employees. Instead, they choose to run their staff on the bare minimum. It is clear that some sort of policy change is extremely necessary.
Joey Cowden

The food there is awful they threw my Mother in law clothes in the closet and they haven't been giving her food on time She does not like that place
J. Evan Noynaert
