7 reviews

Grace Assisted Living - Twin Falls

marker Twin Falls, Idaho


7 reviews
Rolly Roberts

I went to this facility, looking for a parent. AS I was confused if she were here, or Serenity. I asked the b.c receptionist, whom was UNAWARE of the awnser. FOUR administrators were standing at the desk...had IGNORED my presence, and my question...continued to gossip. IF THEY CAN'T help a family member...why would I want my parent here?...
Kerry Farnsworth

Steven Ralph Bringhurst

Donald Urie

Amazing Our residents are our family. They welcome our employees as their own family look forward to us each and every morning with a smile or a hug. My Is here with each one of our residents. Love ,Love It Here At Grace.
Julie Pena

Grace Assisted Living Twin Falls is a very nice facility where the staff is caring, and ready to help in any situation. The environment is comfortable, clean, and the food is great. If you're looking for a place for your loved one you should call Grace I know you'll be happy with the results.