2 reviews
Lori Bishop
Just sad!!! Your team is not looking out for the patient!!! Your team is young and uneducated. America is based on freedom of speech and the public deserves to know of your short commings. Your staff lies I hope makaela is ready for a court battle as she lied to the cops that's some kind of a mormon. I look forward to her interview with the judge and attorneys, since she has to swear to tell the truth!!! SO in short do not hire these people they will lie and discriminate against you. She said things on camera about her clients age, is she a doctor!! She was suppose to care for her client not discriminate and lie about her!!! I will be calling congressman, govenor, television stations and anyone else that will listen!!! Your company is shameful and I have sent letters to the corporate office on your companies behavior!!! SHAME ON YOU I GIVE YOU A NEGATIVE STAR, YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN RATE!!! You are a disgrace to the HEALTH CARE WORKERS IN THIS COUNTRY!!! UNAMERICAN SHAME ON YOU!!! Robyn I would not discuss anything with you, you are an awful owner and I hope you company goes belly up, your staff sucks and can't even handle the job needing to be done. Your company is a disgrace to the American people!!! Uneducated, backwoods staff with the ability to lie, cheat whatever they can do to hurt others. I will not stop giving you negative remarks because the AMERICAN CITIZENS DESERVE TO KNOW WHAT KIND OF COMPANY YOU ARE RUNNING!!! NOT GOOD AT ALL!!!!!
Christine Sala
If you are looking for a company that doesn't violate your privacy, look elsewhere! They claim to have experienced caregivers but unfortunately only 3 out of many truly are. I am entitled to state my opinion and this is it...When you welcome a caregiver into your home, you expect to feel safe and secure. You trust them to take care of you. This wasn't the case for me, so be very careful.