6 reviews

Silverleaf Alzheimer's Care Of Snellville

marker Snellville, Georgia


6 reviews
Corneliu Olan

joy shelnutt

Rather sorry to give such a low rating but I agree almost 100% with the LB review. In the beginning there was comfort but absolutely No professional Management about 2 1/2 years out and in the end . My mother was in there for almost 4 years and fell during a 'weekend' staff and died during the following 'weekend' staff. NOT ONE phone call of condolences from ANYONE at the facility. If I had to make the choice again IT WOULD NOT BE Silverleaf. OH yeah-- Rent was paid on the first of the month and she died on the 11th!! They DO NOT reimburse the difference.
Erin Marney

LB Reviews

My family member was at the Snellville facility for just over two years. After visiting several memory care facilities we chose this one for two reasons, location and the director. This facility was her passion and her love for the residents showed. Things were going well when several months into it we realized she had accepted another position and moved on. The replacement director was nice enough, would do anything you asked. Unfortunately as time went by we began to notice changes with the staff which were not for the better.In the beginning visitors were greeted with a smile or a hug and a welcome to Silverleaf. The past few times I was there they didnt say anything to anyone who came through the door. In the past six months I witnessed two employees racing down the hallway with terrified residents in wheelchairs, without the legs of the wheelchairs attached. On another occasion I let an employee know a resident was confused while looking for the bathroom and about to urinate on the floor only to see the employee go lock himself in the beauty shop and not come back out while I was there. One of my family members caught the custodian red handed rummaging through my loved ones personal belongings. The custodial cart was purposely jamming the door to the room closed. They tossed our personal recliner which had our last name on it by the dumpster and never bothered to tell us. I saw it out the window while visiting. I understand things break just let someone know so it can be replaced. Several times I asked for the director and was told he was not there or was unavailable.When we brought hospice on board the onsite RN refused to meet with them and told me she didnt have anything to do with hospice. It took an angry phone call from me demanding to speak to the director for this to be rectified. My loved one died there while asleep. The director called the house two days after the funeral saying he went out of town and no one told him. The man has a cell phone, there are no excuses here. When I called to let them know when we were coming to gather belongings I was told the room would remain locked and hung up on. We were hung up on again when calling to say we were on the way. When I say hung up on I mean you hear the receiver clicking while you are still talking. The billing department continued to bill (2 months worth) after death. Calling this location to get the billing number resulted in being told they were too busy to look it up. When we finally did get in touch with billing they didnt know my family member died. How can there be such a lack of communication here? My opinion is to look no further than the front desk and youll see how this happened.For all the unprofessional, uncaring, rude behavior from the RNs and newer staff members there were several long term employees who took excellent care of my loved one. I dont know what we would have done without these ladies. This is a hard job, and they were compassionate and caring even during the tough times. They always spoke to us and let us know what was going on. They are why we continued to use this facility. Had there not been so many changes in the past few months I would give Silverleaf of Snellville a higher rating. My opinion is they have a lack of management which when combined with a lack of employee professionalism and downright rudeness gives the distinct feeling they just dont care like they used to. Its time to clean house at this location. I encourage all families with a loved one here to talk to one another. If the time has come where you can no longer care for your family member on your own, I encourage you to shop around and visit any facility you are interested in at different times on different days before making a decision and continue to do so once your decision is made.
Sybil Brown
