Gainesville, Florida
4 reviews
Julian Riffle
1. The owner is money-greedy. Once she has your money, she could care less about your family member. She isnt kept to date on what is going on in the home. She could not tell my mother anything about my grandmother, her status, or the care she receives on a daily basis. But we also do not have contact with the independent caregivers.2. The caregivers are never on time. And when they are at work, they are on their phones more than they are attentive to your family member.- They receive no type of training. Ive worked with a few companies that will at least go over confidentiality requirements with their contractors. This one doesnt. I recently found out that one of the caregivers was posting Snapchat videos of my confused demented grandmother on her social media. My family decided to seek other services.
Bobbie Allred
Howard Lincoln
Loving, caring, compassionate caregiver. Extremely satisfied. Reliable and professional. Would highly recommend.
Stephen Putnam
The owner is very nice. The caregivers are indispendant contractors from what I see and there is no strong oversight. The only issue I had was the lack of planning. When a caregiver got sick there were no back ups in place for that instance and I had to scrabble at the last minute.