6 reviews

New Mercer Commons

marker Fort Collins, Colorado


6 reviews
chelsey m

Beautiful facility, amazing caregivers and supervisors. The scheduling manager was flexible with the hours you wanted. It was very busy and a bit under staffed. The administration was difficult to come to with concerns and issues. Would like to see more team effort with everyone to please the residents.
Adriana Price

Bruce Misare

Do not let yourself or a relative be caught dead here! They will throw out your belongings before you have a chance to vacate and clean the room. Once out, they will hang onto you money for months with lame excuses before providing a refund. Good luck dealing with Melissa in the billing office who has to be the most rude person on the planet. STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve Lilley

My mom lived here for several years before she passed away and my sister stayed here while having health problems. What a great place! Great staff, very helpful.
Charlie Dixon

When looking for an assisted living place, there are very few things one can evaluate. The most important is, IMHO, is the food. Residents are a captured audience 3 times a day. The dining room in the new section is chaotic: continous noise from the kitchen: staff laughing and carrying on, food being tossed out onto the marble counter, wheelchairs and walkers bumping into each other, crowded space between tables; confusion reigns. The service has gotten worse and slower during my short stay (October 2017). People are pulled off other jobs to help in the dining room (office manager, administrator has cooked several days). Understaffing seems to be the regular pattern these days; those who are on duty are pushed to their limits, although they do continue to project happy faces in the dining room. It seems to be a free for all in the kitchen. Now the menu: beef stroganoff was chopped up hamburger in a plain white sauce; it looked like dog food over undercooked noodles. Chicken salad looked like it had hard boiled eggs in it; when I asked the reply was sometimes we add egg salad; REALLY? WHY? Does no one realize the seriousness of a possible allergic reaction? The cheese choices (swiss, american, cheddar) taste and seem to me to be processed cheese food. What a way to ruin an omlette! But the real stunner was listed as tater tot casserole. No idea, I passed. When I was in boarding school we kidded about mystery meat; I never thought I would relive those days in my 70s. The crowd pleasers are the overly sweet desserts, chocolate ice cream, the insides of any fruit pie.