11 reviews
Susan Cobb
Resident care has improved tremendously with the new administration.
marie sandoval
This place is UNPROFESSIONAL. Not enough staff...They do not care. My grandmother is a resident here & they neglect the residents. The owner & administrator need to update the entire facility & hire more professional staff to tend to residents 24/7. I've dealt with the administrator & it was like talking to a wall. They fail to contact family when the resident is sick, etc. No 24,/7 contact#.
Sylvia Garcia
Elleen Edwards
This is actually what I experienced while my friend was a resident there several years (5?) ago. I understand it changed management recently and has improved. I also know someone who works there who has told me it is better but not GOOD. When my friend was a resident there, it was very bad. The food was often not palatable. Because of that, my friend bought food from the store down the street once a month to keep in her room. Not the greatest nutritionally, but at least she wasnt hungry. Sometimes food would be stolen from her room. She was often left hungry then. The portions they served were very small. The only residents who didnt complain were the ones who were not able to complain. My friend had mobility problems and first used a walker and eventually a manual wheelchair. She was also incontinent. The residents were not allowed to use the public restrooms which were near the dining room but had to use the one that came with their room. The rooms were at the end of a long hallway. My friends room was the one of the last rooms on a hallway that lead off the main hallway. It was a long trip in a wheelchair especially since she wasnt very strong by this time. She would sometimes wet her pants, and they would yell at her and/or hit her if there were no visitors around. I was just coming in for a visit and witnessed this once. My friend was also hit sometimes when they helped her take a shower. There were times when she wouldnt get some of her medication for days at a time because they didnt order more until her supply was completely depleted. I talked to them about it more than once. She was also supposed to use an inhaler at bedtime. The instructions said that she should wait two minutes before her second puff. Sometimes they would bring it while we were talking on the phone. After the first puff, they would rush her to take the second puff immediately after the first. She would tell them that she was supposed to wait for two minutes between puffs, and they would yell her that she was stupid or crazy. I had my friend give the nurse the phone sometimes , and I would give them what for. I cant count the times I complained to the administrator, but things didnt get any better. Eventually my friend got the flu, but they told her she would have to wait for the doctor for his monthly visit. She ended up in the hospital with pneumonia before the day the doctor was due to make his visit. She did eventually get better ( not well) and was released from the hospital. Her family had her taken to a better Braswells down the street to get better care. She died shortly after. Because her mother and father were friends of the Braswells, they did nothing to help the situation. I miss her so much. Im sorry this is so long. This is the first time I have referred to that time anywhere or to anyone. I needed to get it off my chest, so to speak. I hope this will some how help someone who is going through the same things or whos family is considering place their loved one in such a place. I have also worked in a retirement/ slash assisted care facility. They are not all bad. But no one is going to care for a patient as well as their loving family would. I also took complete care of my mother for seven years before her passing into heaven. Some of the best years of my life, although it was difficult at times.