3 reviews

Prestige Assisted Living at Visalia

marker Visalia, California


3 reviews
Jonathan Jacques

My mother was 89 years old and still living on her own. Each day, however, we could see that her memory was declining. We began touring the different assisted living facilities in town. They were all nice, but there was something very special about Prestige. They truly wanted the best fit for my mother whether it was with Prestige or another facility. A couple of months went by and one day my mother called to say she didn't know whose house she was in. It was as if someone flipped a switch and her memory was gone. We called Prestige the next day and they had an opening in the memory care unit. We couldn't be happier with this wonderful facility. The director is amazing and the staff are kind, patient and attentive. It is has a warm, family feel and is also very lively. The residents have a lot of wonderful activities and my mom looks 10 years younger! It is never an easy decision to have a loved one in assisted living but the staff at Prestige Impressions have made it an easy transition for all of us. My advice is, don't wait until the last minute to tour these facilities. Be prepared and even put your loved ones name on a wait list. Our need literally happened over night.
Samantha Nostwich

Had a very nice lunch with my nana today and a yummy desert.
George Goodes
