10 reviews
My father had to be in a care facility for the last month of his life, and I was very happy with this establishment. This is a psydo-hospital type environment, as most of the people here have serious health issues, but the staff tries their best to make it as close to a home as possible. Yes, there are other homes which are more like an apartment setting, but the key with the Vienna is the level of medical care they are able to provide, as well as access to on-call doctors and transportation, should a resident's health take a sudden turn. I found that when I had a concern or request, they did their best to accommodate it. The staff was also very helpful in finding options for us to be able to afford this level of care financially, which was a huge concern. These types of facilities are extremely difficult to run, but the Vienna does a very good job, and when my dad's condition started to fail, they were immediately addressing it, and called me right away. The building looks beautiful on the inside and out, and staff are numerous. I was grateful for the care my father received.
Jeff Strother
My mother was placed there after a fracture of her tenor in her left leg. She was placed there by her report conservator or guardian .she has been fighting alzhimers for 6yrs now and I took and dedicated My life to help her fight this horrible disease. I studied her meds all 21 if I'm not mistaken and the effects they gave on the body I got her off every med as I learned the danger and the added toxic chemicals in them ( floride, lead, mercury, aluminum) to name a few. I have studied from all areas on medicine, nutrition , how the body heals and after 6yrs of helping my mom with over 3500 hrs in studing I took leave from work after she had a stroke and brought someone into live to help she recovered from her stroke and we had a nutritional diet excercise and juiced every day got sun shine and walked 3 to 5 times a day. Two days in veinna facility which is a very nice place if your visiting. My mom's mental health declined more those first couple of days than the whole 6 yrs in my care and I can't even talk to them about what they are giving her new wise but do know that everyone gets a sleeping pill and those cause mental problems associated with alzhimersbut is their normal procedure.she should have been walking two days after surgory but she didn't start for at least 2 to 3 weeks personally I've nor seen her walk since she's been there I have been there many times to see her help light on and sitting in a diaper full of fecies and in her own urin . the staff in my opinion don't treat the patients very well and there food well far from nutritious and is horrible if your loved on is suffering from nerodegenitive illness . that is a major factor that brings on this disease and I can't get them to work with me nor her Dr. Which I should put his name here the conservitor ship program has looked me out and so has veinna now I watch as in tring my best to get legel help as she goes down hill and quickly. I had to treat the fungus on her feet and walked in after she had fallen if goVeinna is a top notch place man I'd hate to see the others she even had a trust stating what was to be done with her in this exact situation somehow courts failed to reconize that
William Robertson
Tom Van Dyke
This is a very well run facility, very clean and well maintained. Motivated and friendly professional staff. They are taking very good care of my father and from what I see everyone else who is a patient here.
Alex Fernandez