50 reviews
Joan Thomsen
Staff are very nice especially when you get your papers into them early.
Apple Pie School
Including me there was only 2 people in the whole place. They are not conducting person to person contact yet. It's all by phone from some desk in the back. But still I wish DMV worked this quick (in and out in 15 minutes). And the people their go above and beyond what I would expect 'government' workers to do.
Selma Jen
STAY AWAY From the Humboldt County Public Guardian's office. This office is absolutely terrible. Kelli Schwartz is the current guardian, at least while she still has a job which won't be for long, and is being investigated by multiple Sacramento authorities for failing to act in the best interest of her patients. Her office includes the co-conspirators of Rachel Burns, Matt Clementz, and Alicia Aponte among others, who should all be locked up. They all work together as abusers to take advantage of vulnerable elders. Don't be fooled by their titles. Ask any clinic etc in the Humboldt area and they all steer clear of Kelli because she screams and insults when asked to do her job. Just check Kelli's track record. If you are and RCFE or boarding home, they will shove their clients into your home then refuse to pay. Then they will claim that your home is bad. These are untrustworthy, underhanded people.
Dean Murray
Great people
Terri Serna
Got good help